Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother May I...

Mother's Day 2012
Mother May I ...
... Be your best friend
...Tell you secrets
...Learn your baking secrets
...Ask you for advice
...Borrow your clothes
...Laugh with you
...Learn from your mistakes
...Call you on the phone
...Watch soap operas with you
...Learn from your wisdom
... Hold your hand
...Stop by just to say hi
...Look up to you
... Lean on you in hard times
...Ask for your opinion
...Do nothing, together, and love every minute
...Learn to draw from you
...Listen to your stories
...Go shopping with you
...Do your hair
...Celebrate holidays with you
...Embarrass you
...Learn patience from you
...Shower you with hugs
...Admire your strength
... Bless you with Grandchildren
...Pray for you
...Make you proud

Mother...May I be the daughter you want me to be.

I hope you look down from Heaven and are proud of me
and of the the boys we are raising.

My blog was started as a way to document my fumbling path through motherhood.
I'm still learning the ropes of motherhood 
Each day has it's own challenges-the good and the bad. 
I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Now the road of Motherhood is even tougher
without my Mother here on Earth to guide me and to be at my side.

Everything I learned, I learned from my Mother
and I'll spend the rest of my life teaching those things to my sons.

Happy Mothers day Mom :)
We miss you.


  1. So sorry for your loss, Amy. I love this post. So beautiful.

  2. So beautiful Amy, that left me teary-eyed. You are an amazing mom, and must have had one yourself, too. Happy Mother's Day.
