Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Halloween Deals at Avon!

Has anyone noticed that Halloween AND Christmas are sneaking into our stores already?  

WOW!  I don't know about you but I am soooo ready for Fall.  The Arizona heat of 105' or hotter every day isn't really saying "Fall" to me yet, but I know it's right around the corner.

My kiddos LOVE Halloween.
It's super fun to decorate the house for this holiday.

Why not get a jump start and decorate with some cute AVON decorations?
(psssst... did you know I sell Avon?!)

Check out this adorable little guy:
We Got The Treats Pete
Reg $24.99
Sale $19.99
Avon exclusive. Dance and sing with Halloween’s cutest treat seeker! Press his left paw to make his body and ears dance to the beat of the music. Sways and sings “We Got the Treats” to the music of “We Got the Beat”.* 10” high

If you haven't checked out Avon in a while, take a second to check out my ONLINE STORE.
It's not your mother's Avon!  
I'm 34 and I love the make-up, clothes and jewelry!

In fact, I wear something from Avon every day!

To place your AVON order, visit:
FREE shipping with an online order of $30 or more :)  

And, if you happen to be interested selling Avon yourself, please feel free to contact me for more info at mrsmomomma at aol dot com.


  1. I have nominated you over at Doodles & Doilies for the Versatile Blog Award!

  2. I'm ready for fall, but not ready for Christmas and Halloween stuff to be filling the stores. It keeps getting earlier and earlier.
